Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hooray for boobies

Finally, at the age of 30, I have a cleavage!!! WHOOP WHOOP!! Ok Ok this isn't me in the pic haha

I wasn't even IN the line for getting boobies when adolescence hit. The only time they looked half decent was when I was pregnant. But two pregnancies later they looked even worse. So it was time to take drastic action and finally the opportunity arose for me to have breast augmentation.

I had been doing research on it for quite some time and researched some doctors. The initial surgeon I really liked unfortunately never answered the phone when I finally wanted to make that appointment. I went with the surgeon that also did my colleagues boobs and incidentally found out later he also did surgery on my dad's legs. So anyway, at least he was known and on the association's website so I felt comfortable.

The first consult was easy peasy. He told me I was a perfect candidate. "No kidding dude" I thought. He very nicely explained the whole procedure to me, told me how much it would cost *gulp* and said, "ok when would you like to have it done? I am available tomorrow?". I learnt that this doctor also had a wicked sense of humour which really helps when you're a bit nervous.

So we decided on 12th November 08. All the finances sorted, leave organised, all I had to do was wait. 2 Weeks had never felt this long in my life. Not even waiting for my child to be born! But finally the day arrived and off we went to hospital. We did all the usual questionnaires, checks etc. Doc came to draw pretty little lines over my boobies and the weirdo cool aneathetist came to say hi. I got given to tablets, Dormicum, to 'calm' me. Whoah baby, I passed out mid sentence and gave my husband the biggest fright of his life!

When they came to wheel me down I had to wee but was so drugged I wasn't allowed to go to the toilet, so I had to use a commode. Whahaha what an experience! So anyway we get going down to theatre and hubby was allowed to come along for a walk up to the entrance. Doc came passed with my boobs in a box, proudly displaying his shopping bag as he walks passed.

I got wheeled down this loooooong corridor and into theatre, where quickly they put the monitors on me and strapped my arms down. The aneathetist found the vein and I felt this immense ache running up my arm. The thought of "Fuck that's sore" started forming in my head and on my mouth, but I was gone!

I woke up extremely groggy and really don't remember much. I was in quite a bit of pain but they kept that at bay with painmeds. I really struggled to breathe because of the tight bandages so they gave me a nasal oxygen tube. That helped a bit. The worst was not being able to move at all. No sitting up nothing! I was like this for 24 hours and I am happy I don't remember all that much of it. I got more of the good drugs to sleep which at least knocked me out for 8 hours solid.

The next day they came to cut the bandages and remove the drains and after a while I was finally ready to go home. It's been 3 weeks now and so far so good. They are still sensitive but getting better every day. A few more months and I am doing the biggest bra shop ever in my life! I am not allowed to wear underwires yet so sports bras etc will have to do. But it's lovely to finally have something there. To feel feminine and able to by clothes that FIT! Worth every single cent, for sure!!

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